Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Materials Engineering, Faculty of Mechanics, Khajeh Nasir al-Din Tusi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


In this research, dynamic recrystallization of an Al-Li alloy was investigated in two temperatures, i.e. 350°C and 400°C. Wedge samples were subjected to hot rolling deformation in high temperature and one passes. For wedge specimens, reduction up to 70% was considered. Results showed that grain size of the specimens after hot rolling decreases from 100μm to 30μm because of dynamic recrystallization phenomenon. Furthermore, it is observed that critical reduction for starting dynamic recrystallization was 50% and 40% in 350°C and 400°C respectively.

Main Subjects

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