Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Mechanics, Department of Energy Conversion, Graduate School, Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty member of Sharif University of Technology, Graduate School of Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

3 Graduate School, South Tehran Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Domed, tilted and flat roofs have a widly used in building construction industry. In this paper Thermal performance of roofs in regard with base state i.e. flat roof about its absorbed radiation and energy consuming was considered for different condition. The results show that roof's angle and sun's radiation effects on absorbed radiation of the sun than the roof. While domed roof is built. Of the half dome roof o 55 < q , roof so absorbed radiation of sun is almost equal to its homologous flat roof. Tilted roof with the south-north points/ facing absorbed even more sun heat than tilted roof with the east – west facing. Therefore, from absorbed radiation view, it is recommended to use tilted roof with east – west facing in summer. Also, if tilted roof is built of the slope angle 60 45 £ £ q , the energy consuming would be decreased to 1.041 to 1.3 equal to flat roof. In hot and damp regions, the temperature and diffuse of radiation has been greater. So, a tilted roof will be proper for such regions where as in hot arid regions, the diffuse of radiation has been less and domed roof is proper for such regions.

Main Subjects

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