Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of Tehran University,Tehran,Iran

2 Adults Training,Tehran University,Tehran,Iran

3 Khorasan Science and Technology Park, Mashhad, Iran


Previous research has shown that there is a significant relationship between managers' knowledge and performance. In the present study, it is assumed that there is a significant correlation between computer knowledge of managers, experts and faculty members with their efficiency. The statistical population and the sample group consist of managers, experts and faculty members of Science and Technology Park (36 people). The Computer Science Questionnaire (Seven Skills) was validated by 82% of Cronbach's alpha methodologists. Employee evaluation form was used to measure efficiency. The results showed that among the seven skills related to computer knowledge, there was a relationship between the three skills of presenting content by computer, spreadsheets and word processors with efficiency. Accordingly, it is necessary to emphasize the strengthening of these skills in the in-service training of employees.

Main Subjects

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