Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


In this study, the numerical modeling of sediment washing in Sefidrood dam reservoir and its effect on reservoir volume recovery in the short and long term have been studied. For this purpose, the GSTARS 3 numerical model has been used to study the different phases of flashing. This model is prepared for free and pressurized sedimentation and each of them is analyzed separately. Studies on Sefidrood Dam show that due to the fact that the reservoir water level at the beginning of the flashing operation is one of the influential parameters in the efficiency of sediment washing efficiency, lowering the reservoir water level from normal (271 m) to the power plant (210) M) Reduces the water consumption from 897 cubic meters to 19 cubic meters for washing each ton of sediment. On the other hand, studies show that flashing does not affect coarse-grained sediments in this reservoir and cannot be used as the only solution to prevent reservoir depletion, and additional sedimentation operations such as dredging, use of siphons or In addition to annual sedimentation in the Sefidrud Dam reservoir, it is inevitable that heavy currents will flow through the reservoir.


Main Subjects

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