Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Civil Engineering, Khajeh Nasir -e-Din Tusi University,Tehran,Iran

2 Faculty of Civil Engineering, Khajeh Nasir al-Din Tusi University,Tehran,Iran

3 Faculty of Civil Engineering, Khajeh Nasir al-Din Tusi University.Tehran.Iran


Erosion and sedimentation phenomena have many destructive effects on the environment and human life. One of their most important effects is to reduce the volume of dam reservoirs. When the tank can no longer perform the intended service, its useful life is over. So far, several models have been proposed to simulate the entry of sediment into the tank, most of which are based on laboratory observations. In this article, Ekbatan Dam has been selected as a case study. First, using the flow profile measurements in the main river, the inlet sediment connection equation to the reservoir is solved. Then, using the sediment continuity equation and four different transfer equations, the amount of precipitation effective in reducing the life of the tank is obtained. These values ​​have been used to calculate the reduction in reservoir volume over a 50-year period, indicating that the Anglo-Hansen method was more consistent with the actual reservoir conditions than other equations. Finally, according to the final equilibrium conditions, the floor profile of the tank is obtained. The results show that after this period, a lot of sediment has accumulated at the foot of the dam and an increase of up to 15 meters has been created.


Main Subjects

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