Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty of Engineering, Mining Industrial Department, Imam Khomeini International University,Qazvin,Iran


Penetration is a very important feature in rocks and controls the flow of fluid inside the rocks. In most cells in mechanical laboratories, the water rock moves along the axis of the cylindrical pattern. These cells are used to determine the longitudinal permeability of the rock, while the fluid penetrates radially into the rocks around the water and oil wells. The purpose of this study is to design a cell and calibrate a device used to determine the radial permeability of a rock. To test the performance of the test device, several experiments were performed on an artificial stone called CPIR09 as well as travertine. Test results show that the test device is performing well. Also, with the help of this test device, it is possible to measure the volumetric modulus of stone components.


Main Subjects

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