Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environment, Amir Kabir University of Technology,Tehran,Iran

2 Instructor, Structural Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Khajeh Nasir Tusi University of Technology,Tehran,Iran


The use of prefabricated panels is one of the new methods of building construction, which has recently been used in the construction of interior and exterior walls, loaders and separators, as well as flooring in construction. This system includes two layers of welded wire mesh. On both sides, a layer of polystyrene is placed and connected to each other by cutters. In the next step, shotcrete concrete is sprayed on these wires and then the surface is polished. The use of 3D panels is increasing due to the importance of lightening, optimizing and saving fuel consumption. In this paper, the combined system of steel frame and lightweight prefabricated panels in the distance from the frame under cyclic loading is analyzed numerically and laboratory. The columns of the frames used are 2IPE120 and the beams are IPE120 and the wall has a height of 120 cm, a width of 64 cm and a thickness of 14 cm, which includes two layers of concrete with a thickness of 4 cm and a layer of polystyrene with a thickness of 6 cm. Numerical analysis is performed with the help of Perform software and in the next step, the formability obtained from numerical and laboratory analysis is compared. Combining a 3D panel system with a bending frame will increase the stiffness and lateral strength of the structure.


Main Subjects

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