Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Telecommunications Department, Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Telecommunications Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Khajeh Nasir al-Din Tusi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


In this article, with the aim of estimating the number of personal and organizational users of the country's data network, followed by estimating the market for the required equipment for the next few years, first the statistics of different groups of these users according to the latest census information in The country has been surveyed and, taking into account the annual growth rate, their number is estimated to be until the end of 2008. Then, the required bandwidth is estimated in the cities and provinces of the country according to the determination of the target services for the mentioned users and the capacity of the output ports of each router is estimated. Then, the data network topology in the said development plan at the level of "core" and "distribution" layers of the proposal and the capacity of intercity links in the country, in the form of eleven different areas, has been met. Finally, we have estimated the volume and market of hardware equipment and software requirements of the data network in the mentioned development plan.


Main Subjects

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