Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


The main purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze different approaches in landscape architecture design and to propose a holistic human-environmental approach in relation to current issues of landscape architecture in Iran. For this purpose, first, the common goals and approaches of partialism in landscape architecture are introduced and analyzed. Then, the holistic model, based on the human-environmental approach to landscape design, is proposed in three areas of aesthetics, ecology and local community, and the role of each area in meeting the needs and flourishing human capabilities is explained. In the proposed approach, the perception of landscape architecture, products is the interaction between human (experimental) and environmental (spatial) dimensions. The human (experimental) dimensions of the landscape include strengthening the sense of place and belonging, spatial and mental reconstruction of man, defining public, semi-public and private realms, facilitating orientation and navigation in space, and inducing local identity, security, and desirableness. The environmental (spatial) dimensions of the landscape include the definition of places, routes, and domains, and the landscape designer must organize places (centers of origin and destination), routes (routes), and physical realms (ranges). At the end of the article, landscape design of Iranian city is considered as a case study and it is concluded that, considering the vastness of Iranian cities with diverse human-environmental landscapes, recognizing the perspective of Iranian city is essential as a prerequisite for landscaping.


Main Subjects

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