Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Faculty of Architecture, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Rajaei Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran

3 Faculty of Architecture, Islamic Arts University of Tabriz, ,Tabriz,, Iran


Today, urban parks are an integral part of biological complexes and public spaces, especially in metropolitan areas, and play an essential role in meeting the social and individual needs of citizens. These spaces occupy a large part of people's daily time and environment, including children, and therefore the upgrading and enrichment of these spaces can be effective in personal growth, social interactions, strengthening the sense of cooperation and even educating citizens and children. Be. Due to the special characteristics of children's growth, health and safety, a part of the function of urban open spaces, including parks, is always allocated to children. Therefore, the preparation of urban open spaces, including parks, is of particular importance for children as citizens and future builders of the city. In this article, relying on the unique characteristics of children, as an important part of citizens, the necessity and importance of using the capacity of urban parks to grow their creativity is emphasized and in this regard, some of the principles and criteria of garden design Urban landscapes are presented in proportion to the rainfall and flourishing of children's creativity. Their participation in the design process of children's parks and play spaces is also suggested as one of the active and dynamic design strategies. In this regard, based on the research method of content analysis, some studies of children's creative development and the process of designing open spaces and urban parks have been studied and it is concluded that children's direct participation in creating their space, in addition to creating more desire to attend and interact. In the environment, the possibility of physical, mental, social development, talents and their creativity is also provided.


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