Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Civil Engineering and Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


As we can see in many bridges in the country, due to the lack of implementation of the bridge maintenance management system, the range of failures is gradually
It has expanded and led to declining resistance and increasing the vulnerability of bridges. Due to the hot and humid weather conditions and the presence of salts in it
The Persian Gulf region has seen signs of failure, including numerous cracks and local damage, in many of the concrete slabs in the area's structures and bridges.
It is possible. Therefore, the assessment of the condition of concrete slabs prevents the progress of failure, removal from service and repair of structures.In this paper, the Expert-Slab Bridge expert system is presented to assess the failure of concrete slabs. Expert system, computer program

It is intelligence that uses the knowledge and methods of inference and inference to solve problems. This system includes an interpreter, an inference method
Knowledge-based and database. Bridge deck failures due to environmental conditions and cracked concrete structures, failures
Surface and instrumental failures have been evaluatedSeveral case studies and comparisons between technical inspection results and the expert system
In order to gain reliability and accuracy, the results of the system have been done. System outcomes include a concrete bridge slab identification, inference
Expert system with failures and their causes, status index, status description, suggested solution for repair and diagram of useful life of concrete slab
Is .


Main Subjects

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