Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Faculty of Humanities, Payame Noor University, Maragheh, Iran

2 Faculty of Humanities, Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

3 Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Dabir Shahid Rajaei University, Tehran, Iran

4 Faculty of Educational Psychology, Payame Noor University, Maragheh, Iran


Abstract: The present study aims is to compare active and passive teaching methods' effects on Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) in girls and boys of Fifth grade in primary in primary school. Research method in this study
was an Expost facto, a multi-stage random sampling was done to choose 320 samples from schools of Maragheh
that 160 of them were boys and 160 were girls. Active and passive teaching methods of teachers were assessed
with a checklist made by the researcher. After that a questionnaire of 60 questions was given to the students,
which was a Bar-on test (The young aged version) to measure their Emotional Intelligence. Both of
questionnaire and checklist are according to liker gradation. The results revealed that there is a meaningful
difference between the EQ of those who were taught actively and those who were taught passively. Female
students had a better performance in general mood factor. There is a meaningful difference between the EQ of
girls & boys under active and passive teaching. There is a meaningful difference between boys’ and girls' overall
EQ. Operation of girls in Emotional Intelligence is better than boys.


Main Subjects