Document Type : Original Research Paper


Faculty of Humanities, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


Abstract: The present study was designed to find out the relationship between Iranian junior high-school
learners’ attitudes towards CALL and academic self-regulation in learning English as a foreign language. Two
hundred and thirteen junior high-school students participated in the study. The CALL Attitude Questionnaire and
Academic Self-Regulated Learning survey were distributed among learners and the data were gathered from
participants based on the information in the questionnaires. Correlation Coefficient procedure was used to
answer the research question. The analysis of the results revealed that there is a significant and positive
relationship between learners’ CALL attitudes and academic self-regulation (r=0.29, p<0.00). The findings
showed that the more learners have positive attitudes towards CALL, they more they are likely to be selfregulated
in language learning.


Main Subjects