Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Faculty of Architecture, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Architecture, North Tehran Azad University


Abstract: Environmental literacy is the main field of activities which its knowledge is necessary for
consumers, producers as well as observers. The objective of environmental education is improving applied
literacy of stakeholders. The concept of environmental literacy consists of science (facts, concepts and skill) and
practice (vision and awareness) which makes personal behavior. In this framework, awareness has two sciencebased
(knowing) and emotional-based understanding. In general, scientific education and environmental science
have two-way relationship in which scientific education is a prerequisite of environmental literacy and
environmental literacy functions as a base for scientific education. Furthermore, scientific literacy and
environmental literacy are overlapping in many cases and it is difficult to differentiate them because of their
internal linkages. Studies have shown that environmental education can improve environmental literacy as high
as three folds which will be ended in responsible action with the environment. Academic education of
architecture in Iran exceeds six decades; however, there is no any satisfactory paradigm for environmental
literacy and education in this discipline. In the present essay, we evaluated the relationship between architecture
education and environmental literacy and the necessity of environmental literacy as a neglected element in
architecture faculties.


Main Subjects