A. Khallaghi; G.H. Ahmadi
Abstract: This paper aims to provide a framework for preparing the teachers’ guide for technical and vocational education teachers. Teachers are usually committed to execute the formal curriculum provided by the center of curriculum development in a centralized education system. To design a comprehensive ...
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Abstract: This paper aims to provide a framework for preparing the teachers’ guide for technical and vocational education teachers. Teachers are usually committed to execute the formal curriculum provided by the center of curriculum development in a centralized education system. To design a comprehensive model of the teacher guidance book is the main aim of this research. So, the main question is that: which model and structure could be the best for providing a comprehensive guidance book for teachers? This is an applied research with the aim as well as a survey by the collection and analysis of the data. Document study and questionnaire were used as research tools. Statistical population of this research was the curriculum developers and expert teachers. 32questionnaires were collected and analyzed. Moreover, three day workshop was implemented for some teachers and the experts in Curriculum development in which the model was discussed and developed. The result of this research is a "teacher guidance book model" which has provided based on the curriculum elements includes seven chapters. First chapter recommends to explain the general subject and foundations of curriculum. Second chapter includes the examination of the structure and content of the curriculum. Third chapter presents a framework for learning opportunities. Chapter four focuses on educational space and materials. Chapter five pays attention to the evaluation methods. Chapter six provides a budget schedule for lessons during the course and finally, chapter seven includes many recommendations for the implementation of the TVET curriculum.