Sociology of Educational Technology
S. Hadavand; A. Javanbakhsh
Abstract:The present study deals with surveying the relation of organization learning and professional development of engineers. The study was conducted as descriptive-correlative work. Statistic society is comprised of 188 engineers of Electro System Fars. As the size of the society is not considerable, ...
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Abstract:The present study deals with surveying the relation of organization learning and professional development of engineers. The study was conducted as descriptive-correlative work. Statistic society is comprised of 188 engineers of Electro System Fars. As the size of the society is not considerable, the whole society was studies as sample society. For data gathering two questionnaires for assessment of organizational learning and professional skills were used. To make sure validity of the questionnaire the experts were consulted. Regarding reliability, Cronbach’s Alpha was used. Reliability of the questionnaires was obtained 0.93 and 0.87 for learning and professional skill respectively. The data were analyzed regarding Pierson’s correlation and regression analyses and significant relation was found between organizational learning and development of professional skill. Regression analysis showed that organizational learning elements are significant predictor for develop of professional skills. Square sum of 0.476 showed that 47.6 of the distribution in the development of professional skills is determined by organizational learning