Education technology - higher education
Investigating the effectiveness of "Instructional Design Thinking" on the instructional design capability of educational technology students

S. Talebi; M. R. Nili Ahmadabadi; H. Fardanesh; A. Delavar

Volume 17, Issue 4 , October 2023, , Pages 709-728

  Background and Objectives: Educational technology, as an interdisciplinary field, is affected by the advances in science and technology and the use of their findings to facilitate the education process and improve the quality of learning. With the aim of using “Design Thinking” as a new approach ...  Read More

Modern Educational Approaches
An analysis of the role of design thinking in promoting the 21st-century skills: A systematic review

Z. Abolhasani; M. Dehghani; M. Javadipour; K. Salehi; N. Mohammadhasani

Volume 16, Issue 1 , January 2022, , Pages 81-98

  Background and Objectives: Design thinking is a participatory problem-solving method with a human-centered approach that enhances innovation by enhancing learners' creative thinking abilities. Although design thinking has become an integral part of design and engineering as well as business, it can have ...  Read More

Modern Educational Approaches
Application of Emotional Intelligence in the Process of Architectural Design Education: An inquiry in the requirements of architectural discipline with reference to emotional skills

P. Hashempour; M. Ahmadi; H. Nadimi

Volume 13, Issue 3 , July 2019, , Pages 672-686

  Background and Objective:Many cognitive psychologists put emphasis on an integrative view of cognitive and affective faculties of the mind. In the course of theoretical developments in the above area, theorizing on the concept of "emotional intelligence" is considerable. The concept of emotional intelligence ...  Read More