Virtual Reality
Explaining and Assessment of the Effectiveness/ Impact of Using Computer Simulation on the Academic Motivation of Architecture Students (Building Construction II)

A. Sedaghati; B. Motiei

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 20 January 2025

  Background and Objectives: Motivation plays a fundamental role in the academic success of architecture students. It appears that students in architecture colleges lack the necessary motivation to learn theoretical courses, especially technical and construction-related courses. Given the nature of the ...  Read More

Educational Technology
Meta-analysis of the role of the application of ICT in teaching and learning process on students learning outcomes

M. Moeinikia; A. Zahed Babelan; E. Aryani Ghizghapan; Z. Bigdeli

Volume 13, Issue 3 , July 2019, , Pages 687-699

  brought another technology called information and communication technology (ICT). This technology has a much wider impact capacity, compared to previous technologies, and in the field of education, by being affected by this new capacity, beneficial developments can be made in the pillars of the relevant ...  Read More