N. Tari; S. Zarghami; A. Mahmoodnia; Y. Ghaedi
Background and Objectives: The aim of this research is study the nature of the relationship between teacher and learner in comprehensive e-learning process with an emphasis on ideas of Deleuze. With the expansion of e-learning, one of the important aspects of change in education is in the field of teaching ...
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Background and Objectives: The aim of this research is study the nature of the relationship between teacher and learner in comprehensive e-learning process with an emphasis on ideas of Deleuze. With the expansion of e-learning, one of the important aspects of change in education is in the field of teaching and learning, including the relation between the teacher and the learner. In the analysis and evaluation of the nature of the relation and its role in human cognition, one of the post structuralist emerging paradigms is Deleuze's rhizomatic epistemology. In the area of Deleuze's ideas and electronic learning based on connectivism theory, separate researches have been done. However, what distinguishes this study from other studies is the assessment of the important fact that whether the new area which Deleuze names rhizomatic and by which means challenges the traditional relationships between the teacher and the learner in the tree system and deterritorializes can support the new atmosphere of electronic learning. Do these two accompany each other? MethodS:The methodology of this study is philosophical analysis and deduction, which were used to answer the research question (What is the nature of the relation between the teacher and the learner in the process of e-learning?). The method of data collection is desk-documentation study. Based on concept analysis, valid understanding of the concept and a clear explanation of its relationship with other concepts was achieved. Moreover, based on deductive approach, the implications of the nature of the relation between the teacher and the learner according to Deleuze's ideas in the process of teaching - learning in e-learning was assessed. Then, these were analyzed philosophically. In other words, Deleuze's rhizomatic epistemological concepts and the related elements on the one hand and the concepts of electronic learning based on connectivism theory on the other hand were analyzed, interpreted and clarified. In the end, the proportion of relation in e-learning to Deleuze's rhizomatic relation was evaluated. Findings: First, basic factors in rhizomatic epistemology of Deleuze were investigated. Based on the findings of this study, the essentialistic of the relationship between the teacher and the learner, according to Deleuze’s opinions, is rhizomatic. This means that it has features such as Interconnection and heterogeneity, pluralism, immigration, mapping, and non-indicative dissociation of rhizome, suggesting nonlinear, horizontal and non-hierarchical, fluid and fragile, decentralizing, spontaneous and molecular, dense and multiplexed, flexible and permeable relationships. Second, the nature of relationship in virtual learning process was illuminated according to the principles of communication theory, which is the new theory of learning in the age of information and communication technology, communication in E-learning is a systemic and network communication that has nonlinear relationships among system components and network.According to this theory, E-learning is the process of network components communicating with each other. At the end, the nature of relationship virtual Learning in relation with, the nature of rhizomatic epistemology of Deleuze was examined Therefore, the orientation of communication in E-learning is in line with Deleuze's rhizomatic relationship. Conclusion: Based on connectivism theory, electronic education is the very process of network elements connecting with each other. Thus, the direction of e-learning is aligned with Deleuze's rhizomatic relation. Thus, Deleuze's rhizomatic relationships with regard to the capabilities it holds, promises the ideal relationship between the teacher and the learner in the E-learning era and can serve as a model to address some of the challenges of the traditional educational system.
Electronic learning- virtual
S. Khodaveisi; F. Seraji
Background and Objective As one of the key components of the curriculum, the teacher has an effective role in teaching effectiveness and facilitating learning. The quality of teachers’ work is the most important factor influencing the quality of students' learning and the success of the educational ...
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Background and Objective As one of the key components of the curriculum, the teacher has an effective role in teaching effectiveness and facilitating learning. The quality of teachers’ work is the most important factor influencing the quality of students' learning and the success of the educational systems. Teachers, as one of the complex components of the school ecosystem must be able to meet the expectations and demands of various admin administrators and stakeholders and have a deep understanding of social developments and future changes. Therefore, teachers must constantly seek to update their knowledge and skills and improve their professional development. The field of teacher professional development consists of various aspects such as perceptions, educational beliefs, epistemology, ideology, behavior, and practice related to teaching and learning. The present study seeks to investigate how Iranian teachers use cyberspace for their professional development. Methods: In this study, qualitative research method with descriptive phenomenological approach used the subjects, who consist of 25 teachers who actively promote the educational applications of cyberspace, were selected from among the teachers of Hamedan Province and invited to an interview. Snowball sampling technique was used and the number of subjects was decided to be 25 according to the principle of theoretical saturation the reliability and validity of the data were determined by transferability and dependability. Findings: By using information retrieval tools, they can access their required information in various fields, become informed about conferences and educational workshops, rethink their experience as well as improve their self-confidence in responding to students' questions. By using tools content production and presentation, they can produce high-quality multimedia contents, design various learning activities, encourage students to participate in activities, and adopt active teaching methods. Finally, teachers can make use of interactive tools to express their experience and receive feedback, exchange information with other teachers and scholars, improve their communication skills, get involved in participatory learning along with their colleagues and conduct team projects. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that Iranian teachers use three tools of information retrieval, production and presentation of content and interactive tools to develop themselves professionally with respect to content, pedagogical and technological knowledge. Based on the findings, teachers can use the retriveal tools to find the information they need in a variety of areas, such as information about the field of study and the latest changes in textbooks, information about students' educational issues, teaching methods, evaluation methods, research methods, learning theories, education in other countries as well as time, place and themes of wbinars and conferences. The results also showed that teachers can use interactive tools to express their experiences and use the opinions of others to improve them; create a participatory atmosphere; strengthen their critical thinking; improve their writing skills and promote their skills in using word processors; exchange information with experts and colleagues; strengthen their conversational skills; work with partners and experts on collaborative projects; and design individual and group learning activities. So teachers can use cyberspace as a platform to empower themselves professionally.
Teacher Education
Z. Abolhasani; M. Javadipour
Background and Objective:Instructors are one of the main pillars of teaching-learning process that play an undeniable role in improving the quality or disqualifying the educational system. UNESCO sees education as the key to the development of societies and a path that empowers individuals to ...
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Background and Objective:Instructors are one of the main pillars of teaching-learning process that play an undeniable role in improving the quality or disqualifying the educational system. UNESCO sees education as the key to the development of societies and a path that empowers individuals to realize competencies and increase control over the decisions that affect them. However, in order to teach and create sustainable learning, teachers in the education system must have a set of knowledge and skills that are called professional knowledge or professional competencies of the teacher (teacher competencies); at the same time, training capable students is one of the concerns of the education system. In order to have professional and entrepreneurial people, they must be properly and scientifically trained in schools so that they can play their role in the labor market and society properly. This requires improving teaching methods and increasing the skills of teachers. Given that countless people are studying and wanting to do a good job, governments and most likely the people hold the education system, especially teachers and administrators, directly responsible for their learning or non-learning. In this regard, one of the learning strategies in the national curriculum is to benefit more from active, creative and uplifting methods, by innovative and creative organization of the process of collecting and cumulating facts, to provide the basis for science and knowledge. The purpose of this article is study about the relationship between middle school teacher’s job satisfactory and their competency; also measuring the level and amount of this professional competency based on constructivism approach. Methods:The study type is applied research and descriptive (mean and frequency) and in inferential statistics part, mean, independent t-test, single t-test, and Pearson correlation coefficient methods has been used. The competency for constructivism test was used by means of questionnaire. Reliability of the constructivism professional competency questionnaire based on Cronbach's alpha was 0.98 and for questionnaire of job satisfactory based on Cronbach's alpha was 0.81. Middle school teachers (164 male and 177 female teaching during 2016-2017) in Baharestan area were the participants. For sampling, Census method has been used. Findings: Results of independent t-test showed that teachers have an average amount of constructivism professional competency. Based on Pearson correlation coefficient between job satisfactory and constructivism professional competency is 0.37. In whole, results showed that teachers who have higher job satisfactory will have a higher amount of constructivism professional competency. Conclusion: Overall, this study showed that teachers have a moderate level of professional competence and in fact a constructive attitude, and this competence is related to teachers' job satisfaction. Therefore, it is suggested to the authorities that appropriate in-service courses be held to familiarize teachers more with the constructivist approach. Also, since job satisfaction is related to the competence of constructive professionals, to make this approach more effective they have to try to provide conditions for job satisfaction of teachers.
Modern Educational Approaches
S. Mirzaei; A. Anaraki Firooz; R. Abdullah Mirzaie
Background and Objective:Chemistry plays a fundamental role in human civilization and its place in economics, politics and life is becoming more and more prominent and covers a wide range of chemical products such as drugs, dyes, fertilizers, etc. However, the environmental damage caused by it is a major ...
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Background and Objective:Chemistry plays a fundamental role in human civilization and its place in economics, politics and life is becoming more and more prominent and covers a wide range of chemical products such as drugs, dyes, fertilizers, etc. However, the environmental damage caused by it is a major human concern. Many of us today take steps to reduce environmental impact, for example by participating in chemical recycling programs and using energy-saving light bulbs; we buy local products and maybe drive hybrid cars. But what if "we could somehow prevent pollution from the start?" Thus, with a new approach called green chemistry, chemists are being led to a new phase of research activities to develop green reactions and use them instead of the old methods, to help human health and society by eliminating toxins from chemical processes. The purpose of this research is education of green chemistry through the curriculum related to the principles of green chemistry in General Chemistry Lab 1and the effect of this educational course on learning and attitude of the pre-service chemistry teachers toward green chemistry principles. Methods: This educational course involves two green experiments implemented according to green chemistry principles. The experiments include determination of molar mass relation in a chemical reaction and determination of the amount of ascorbic acid in a tablet of vitamin C. The research methods are practical, experimental and quasi-experimental and the used instruments were the researcher-constructed tests in the field of learning and attitude domain. Statistic population of this study consists of experimental group (N=30) and control group (N=30) of the student teachers at Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University in the academic year 2017-2018. Data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics with SPSS software. Findings: The obtained results show that among12 principles of Green Chemistry, students have learned the principles of 1 to 4 and 7 to 12 of these 12 principles and they have been attracted to them. In addition, the implementation of a curriculum related to the principles of green chemistry has had a positive impact on the attitude of the pre-service chemistry teachers. Conclusion: Findings from the research show that teaching the principles of green chemistry can be done based on the activity-oriented approach in the chemistry curriculum as in most developed countries. Student-teacher education can lead them to develop a positive attitude towards green chemistry and to have more motivation and desire to study chemistry based on the principles of green chemistry and to pass this attitude on to their students in the teaching process. Also, in designing the curriculum, it should be noted that in the sequence of practical activities, it should be done in such a way that it includes all the principles of green chemistry so that education based on it can give all the principles of green chemistry to learners or give them a positive attitude.
Teacher Education
H. Vahedi Kojanagh; N. Karimi; R. Rezaei; A. Esmail Pour
Background and Objectives:In the ideals proposed by experts for education systems in the twenty-first century, the teacher is mentioned as the fulcrum of any change. Competence is a set of knowledge, skills and abilities of a particular job that makes a person successful in performing tasks. In recent ...
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Background and Objectives:In the ideals proposed by experts for education systems in the twenty-first century, the teacher is mentioned as the fulcrum of any change. Competence is a set of knowledge, skills and abilities of a particular job that makes a person successful in performing tasks. In recent educational research, the term professional competence is used to describe the specific prerequisites that teachers need to succeed in their work. It is assumed that this professional competence can be learned and taught. Professional competence includes having professional knowledge as well as motivational and emotional aspects. Professional knowledge is divided into different types such as content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and pedagogical-psychological knowledge. A teacher's competence refers to his or her ability to adequately meet the demands and requirements of the teaching profession, using an integrated set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that manifest in the teacher's performance and response. Based on the growth model of teachers' professional competence, the psychological characteristics of the teacher seem to play an important role in gaining learning opportunities. In addition, it has been suggested that beyond specific subject knowledge, more aspects of the teacher, such as teachers' beliefs and motivational and emotional characteristics, are important prerequisites for educating and motivating students. The aim of this study is to investigate professional qualifications among teachers graduated from Farhangian University, former Teacher Education Centers and other universities. Methods: The method of the study is causal-comparative. The sample was comprised of 210 teachers in three groups that graduated from Farhangian University, former Teacher Education Centers and other universities such that the groups were similar in demographic factors. All subjects assessed by teacher professional qualifications questionnaire. The results of two-way analysis of variance show that teachers’ professional qualifications in three groups are different. Findings: The results of the cognitive qualification show that Farhangian University’s graduates have the best state. In management qualification, the difference between Farhangian University’s graduates and former Teacher Education Centers’ graduates is not significant but this difference is significant when other universities’ graduates are considered. Attitude qualification difference is not significant between the groups. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the professional competence of teachers is significantly different. The cognitive competence of Farhangian University graduates is higher than other graduates. Graduates of teacher training centers also have higher cognitive competencies compared to graduates of other universities. In terms of managerial competence, the graduates of Farhangian University have not shown a significant difference with the graduates of teacher training centers, but they are in a better position compared to the group of graduates of other universities. In this case, the difference between former teacher training graduates and other universities is not significant. In attitudinal competence, the difference between groups of teachers is not significant, meaning that these three categories have equally developed attitudinal competence in their graduates.