Educational computer games
Designing an intelligent computer game for prediction of dyslexia based on cognitive science

Z. Nevisi; M.E. Shiri; B. Minaei

Volume 12, Issue 3 , July 2018, , Pages 219-229

  Background and Objectives:The ability to read is one of the abilities effective in quality of life. From among the children with normal intelligence and more, dyslexic students have a significant lack of readability due to their age and their ability to intelligence. In any planning and designing a treatment ...  Read More

Electronic learning- virtual
The role of computer games in educational failure of high school students in Tehran

A. Jafari; A.H. Andalibian

Volume 12, Issue 2 , April 2018, , Pages 121-130

  Background and Objectives:Education of children is one of the most important concerns of our country's families today. This concern is mostly due to the future dependence of children on their level of success in education, although these concerns are a promising and pleasant point for the promotion and ...  Read More