Educational Management
Kh. Sarboland
Background and Objectives: One of the most important challenges facing human resource experts is proving the role of these resources in value creation of the organization. With the advent of knowledge organizations in the knowledge-based economy, the share of human capital in the value creation of the ...
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Background and Objectives: One of the most important challenges facing human resource experts is proving the role of these resources in value creation of the organization. With the advent of knowledge organizations in the knowledge-based economy, the share of human capital in the value creation of the organization has surpassed the physical and structural capital and heavy investments in human resources to make them the main factor justified competitive advantages. Since efficient and value-creating manpower is the most valuable resource of any organization, most of the investments are focused on human resources. The most important tool used for this purpose is training, which is used with the aim of improving the quality of skills, knowledge and attitudes that enable people to perform their duties and the success of the organization. In a dynamic and efficient organization, employees need new training and new skills to regain the success of their careers and to be equipped with what is needed for high-standard training. Manpower training courses include programs and activities designed to improve employee performance with the aim of solving current performance problems and preventing future problems of the organization. It is also an approach whose main purpose is to change and teach employees and increase the skills needed to perform job duties more effectively. This research has sought to explain the development model of the system supporting electronic performance with the human resource rewarding approach in governmental organizations. Methods: The research method was mixed. The statistical population of the present study in the qualitative part included experts in the field of support of electronic performance and value creation of human resources of governmental organizations. In the qualitative part the population included senior staff of public organizations in Ardabil province. Sample size in the qualitative section was 24 people selected through targeted sampling and snowball interviews, and in the quantitative part, 278 of the senior staff members of public organizations in Ardebil province were selected by proportional allocation sampling method.The instruments used in the qualitative section were structured interviews and semi-structured interviews, and in the quantitative section, a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS and PLS software. Findings: According to research findings, research structures were satisfactory Also, all components of the electronic performance support system offered in the human resource value creation were desirable. Conclusion: Electronic performance support system plays an important role in realizing the value creation of human resources. This means that as the level of support for electronic performance increases, the value creation of human resources will also increase. Due to the multiplicity of government organizations, it is suggested that in future research, government organizations be clustered according to appropriate criteria and then be studied and analyzed in each cluster separately and if possible they merge to achieve more reliable results at the national level; providing a computer-based job environment and combining appropriate tools in it, which indicates the actual performance of employees, and can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of this system in creating value for employees; managers of government organizations should pay basic attention to the skill level of employees in designing support resources and choosing the level of support; and finally, according to the results of these analyses, the level and element of performance support should be identified and selected. to increase the value creation of human resources.
A. Habibizad Navin
Background and Objective:Human resources (HRs), as the most important asset of any organization, play a significant role in their goals, competition and success. Thus the training of human resources plays an important role to achieve the growth and success of any organization. Teaching and learning are ...
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Background and Objective:Human resources (HRs), as the most important asset of any organization, play a significant role in their goals, competition and success. Thus the training of human resources plays an important role to achieve the growth and success of any organization. Teaching and learning are performed by different technologies such as traditional education, distance learning, e-learning and the use of grid and social networks. Existing evaluation models of e-learning have mostly examined partially the educational outcomes, the employees’ efficiency and the impact of e-learning, Therefore, in this paper a comprehensive model is presented that models and evaluates the efficiency and cost of the organization and the time and efficiency of the personnel in the current and electronic methods. Methods:First, the relationships in the e-learning system were modeled and formally expressed with mathematical relationships, and then the simulation was performed, and finally the costs of e-learning were evaluated based on the simulation results. Findings: The obtained results by simulation show that e-learning system improves the HRs utilization by 15% and decreases the training cost of organizations by 18% in comparison to the common method. Conclusion: Waste of human resources in organizations reduces the efficiency of the organization, as for solving this problem in organizations and turn it into potential and increase the intangible assets of the organization, e-learning was proposed. Web-based e-learning system is a type of training system that uses a three-tier architecture under the Internet and increases the educational productivity of the organizations and in general reduces the waste of staff time, increases the efficiency of the organization and the amount of costs. It reduces the time spent on training, and in this way can reduce unemployment, leisure time and staff wastage through training under the computer network and mobile devices and the web, which are available everywhere and always at a low cost. It also converts the intangible capital of the organization and increase the expertise and capability of the organization. Common methods of modeling and evaluating the effectiveness of e-learning were examined. Most of these models only partially assessed the effect of education on learners' performance. Therefore, in this article, a comprehensive model was presented and evaluated both the efficiency and costs of the organization and the time and efficiency of personnel in the common and electronic methods. The simulation results using MATLAB software show that the number of trained employees and intangible assets in the web-based e-learning system increases more than three times compared to conventional methods. Training costs will decrease by eighteen percent and the efficiency of the organization's employees will increase by fifteen percent. Analyzing and evaluating network and cloud training is recommended for large organizations as future work
Technology-based learning environments
S. Seidi; A. Badeleh
The purpose of this study was developing standards of making smart schools and the level of respecting to these standards in the schools of Tehran. The study has a mixed design (quantitative and qualitative). In the quantitative section, it is a descriptive survey type. In the qualitative method, it ...
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The purpose of this study was developing standards of making smart schools and the level of respecting to these standards in the schools of Tehran. The study has a mixed design (quantitative and qualitative). In the quantitative section, it is a descriptive survey type. In the qualitative method, it uses documentary and inductive encoding when all the existing documents were studied first, the existing copies were read line by line (open decoding); and then, considering the written words in the documents, the general factors were extracted (canonic encoding); and eventually in the documentation of similarities and differences of the general factors, the main indices were extracted (selective encoding). The population included all 22 smart schools in Tehran in 5 educational districts (i.e. districts 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8) out of which 20 girls’ smart schools were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling. The instrument was a researcher-made standardized check-list to evaluate the standards of having smart schools (direct observation, cooperation of principals, and the IT managers of the schools) and studying the current status of smart schools. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and single-group t-test. The results of data analysis showed that the current status of smart schools regarding instructional content and learning is below the standards; the status of the hardware infrastructures and trained teachers is higher than the standards; and the software infrastructure and management are at the average level.