Technology-based learning environments
S. Seidi; A. Badeleh
The purpose of this study was developing standards of making smart schools and the level of respecting to these standards in the schools of Tehran. The study has a mixed design (quantitative and qualitative). In the quantitative section, it is a descriptive survey type. In the qualitative method, it ...
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The purpose of this study was developing standards of making smart schools and the level of respecting to these standards in the schools of Tehran. The study has a mixed design (quantitative and qualitative). In the quantitative section, it is a descriptive survey type. In the qualitative method, it uses documentary and inductive encoding when all the existing documents were studied first, the existing copies were read line by line (open decoding); and then, considering the written words in the documents, the general factors were extracted (canonic encoding); and eventually in the documentation of similarities and differences of the general factors, the main indices were extracted (selective encoding). The population included all 22 smart schools in Tehran in 5 educational districts (i.e. districts 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8) out of which 20 girls’ smart schools were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling. The instrument was a researcher-made standardized check-list to evaluate the standards of having smart schools (direct observation, cooperation of principals, and the IT managers of the schools) and studying the current status of smart schools. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and single-group t-test. The results of data analysis showed that the current status of smart schools regarding instructional content and learning is below the standards; the status of the hardware infrastructures and trained teachers is higher than the standards; and the software infrastructure and management are at the average level.