Education technology - Lifelong learning
M. Jafarigohar; M. Karami
Traditional EFL reading assessment has been criticized for providing learners with almost no instructional feedback thus extensively ignoring learning enhancement and learner training. In an attempt to address this gap, the present study was designed to determine whether mediations in a dynamic assessment ...
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Traditional EFL reading assessment has been criticized for providing learners with almost no instructional feedback thus extensively ignoring learning enhancement and learner training. In an attempt to address this gap, the present study was designed to determine whether mediations in a dynamic assessment program have significant effects on the development of reading comprehension strategies. Using a convenience sampling method, four intact EFL classes comprising of 116 male students were selected from two high schools in Hamedan, Iran. The study used a quasi-experimental design that included a pretest, a posttest, and a delayed posttest. The participating classes were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. A one-way between-groups analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was applied to compare the effectiveness of two different interventions. During the experiment, participants in the control group received non-dynamic reading tests, while participants of the experimental group underwent DA sessions receiving mediation on applying reading comprehension strategies. The participants were also given the reading strategy questionnaires. Results indicated that training reading comprehension strategies through annotations and oral mediation in DA had a positive immediate and delayed effect on enhancing awareness and use of such strategies, particularly for low achievers.