Educational Technology
B. Salimi; Y. Namvar; A. Rastgoo; T. Soleimani
Background and Objectives: The efforts of today's societies to keep up with the increasing changes in the field of technology have been extended to the field of education. The speed of change and development of technologies and its impact on educational processes, along with the challenges and opportunities ...
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Background and Objectives: The efforts of today's societies to keep up with the increasing changes in the field of technology have been extended to the field of education. The speed of change and development of technologies and its impact on educational processes, along with the challenges and opportunities of using new technologies have been witnesses in the realm of education. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of new technologies on future educational trends based on review studies on external resources, internal resources and interviews with educational experts.Methods: This research has been done with a qualitative approach and content analysis method. The statistical population includes documents, articles, dissertations, video lectures and educational conferences, research projects and reports related to the research topic and accessible in the last two decades, as well as the results of semi-structured interviews conducted with 20 experts in the field of education in Ardabil province, Iran. The data are qualitatively coded, analyzed and categorized in a three-step "content analysis" method.Findings: Findings of this study were compiled under the two main themes of "positive impact of technology on education" and "challenges of technology and education"; the first main theme was classified with 40 sub-themes and the second main theme with 34 sub-themes.The need to pay attention to the effects of technology on individual structures and opportunities, reducing costs, automated solutions and increasing efficiency, improving the teaching process, etc. can be part of the sub-themes obtained under the main theme of "positive impact of technology on education.” Also under the theme of challenges of technology and education, sub-themes of non-compliance of existing standards with emerging standards, the need for new ways and infrastructure to transfer education in future schools, cross-border technology, Internet expansion, culture-startup, how management of complexity and uncertainty, the state of adhesion and the influence of technology in the culture of society, etc. were obtained.Conclusion: Attending to and planning for a systematic change in the future education system can be inferred from the findings of this study.