Educational Technology - Blended Learning
A. Ghofrani; F. Narenji thani; M. A. Shahhoseini; Kh. Abili; J. Pourkarimi
Background and Objectives: Blended learning approach uses a face-to-face learning environment with the capacities of an electronic environment. This approach has attracted the attention of researchers for more than 15 years due to the significant advantages it brings by compensating for the disadvantages ...
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Background and Objectives: Blended learning approach uses a face-to-face learning environment with the capacities of an electronic environment. This approach has attracted the attention of researchers for more than 15 years due to the significant advantages it brings by compensating for the disadvantages of both face-to-face and e-learning environments. However, today, after the spread of the epidemic of Covid-19 in the world, it has become a necessary choice not only for researchers but also for managers and business owners, including educational systems. Therefore, researchers worldwide are increasingly trying to provide the best ways to benefit from the advantages of face-to-face and e-learning approaches in the form of blended learning models for the educational system, including universities. Therefore, the current research was conducted to explain the dimensions and components of the model of the blended teaching-learning system in the university.Methods: The qualitative research method was grounded theory and of emergent type. The research field included 15 university instructors selected through purposeful sampling based on predetermined criteria. The selection criteria of experts included "member of e-learning association and more than five years of active presence in this field" and "authors of outstanding scientific works and operational experience in e-learning". In order to collect the findings, a semi-structured interview was used and continued until theoretical saturation. Then, the findings were analyzed using the content analysis method in three stages open, axial and selective coding. Finally, the validity of the research findings was evaluated using Lincoln and Guba's four criteria, including credibility, confirmability, transferability, and reliability; its reliability was checked by re-coding and two coders.Findings: The results of the analysis of the findings led to the identification of 219 key phrases, then in the form of 29 principal components including change management, support from senior management, strategic plan, action plan, attracting, developing, retaining, technical resources, financial and physical resources, information and knowledge resources, teaching strategies and scenario writing, interaction, educational package, evaluation of students, required beliefs and attitudes for stakeholders, required skills for stakeholders, required knowledge for stakeholders, common attitudes, shared values, common meanings and concepts, psychological support, process and pedagogical support, technical support , intra-university communication, extra-university communication, evaluation, monitoring, protection of intellectual property, respect for privacy were categorized and finally 11 factors including transformational leadership, planning, human capital management, resource provision, teaching-learning process management, required competencies stakeholders, culture-building regarding new approaches, support system for main and internal stakeholders, internal and external university communication, university assessment and quality assurance system, and ethical considerations were obtained in order to implement a blended approach in the university.Conclusion: The results of this research can be a practical guide for senior managers of universities and higher education institutions in order to implement the blended learning approach in the said institutions, especially first-level universities; in this way, they can keep themselves aligned with the latest changes, especially the new developments in the approaches of the teaching-learning system, and have an effective performance in the direction of educating students with the qualifications and competencies required for the society, and turn the threat of using the electronic environment into an opportunity to transform educational approaches and establish a blended learning system using the online environment.
F. Narenjithani; J. pourkarimi; S. Hejazi
Background and Objectives: E-learning is the necessity of the information society and the main condition for achieving the goal of the Fourth National Development Plan (Knowledge-Based Development) which has paid special attention to the university activities while benefitting from the electronic learning ...
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Background and Objectives: E-learning is the necessity of the information society and the main condition for achieving the goal of the Fourth National Development Plan (Knowledge-Based Development) which has paid special attention to the university activities while benefitting from the electronic learning in higher education in order to provide equal education opportunities and increasing the coverage of the student population. Along with the development of e-learning at the level of universities and institutions of higher education, the issue of evaluating the e-learning system and justifying the implementation of programs and the need to meet the proper requirements and standards for designing, developing and implementing e-learning in higher education is important. Given that the structure of e- learning is complex and consists of various components, it is necessary to examine all these components to evaluate the e-learning system. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study to identify and introduce the main and practical indicators of evaluating the e-learning system so that they can be used for designing and developing appropriate frameworks and tools for evaluation of this system. Evaluation of the e-learning system provides the relevant staff and managers in higher education with the opportunity to identify the strengths and weaknesses of this system and enhance the strengths or eliminate possible deficiencies and shortcomings. Methods: This research was an inquiry into the lived experiences of the faculty members of the University of Tehran in 2019 of evaluating the e-learning system. In this study, an attempt was made to identify the components of e-learning system evaluation in the University of Tehran by using qualitative methodology. The data of this research have been extracted through a qualitative approach with a descriptive phenomenological method and with semi-structured interview tools and the data have been analyzed through coding and categorization methods. Sampling in this study has been purposeful and standard and a total of 17 experts in the field of e-learning from Tehran University have participated in thestudy. The validity of qualitative data using four judgment criteria of Lincoln and Goba)1985( including validity or reliability, transferability verifiability or neutrality, and reliability or compatibility and reliability of qualitative data through recoding by the second encoder and the encoder himself has been confirmed. Findings: Based on the research findings, the factors related to the evaluation of e-learning system are classified into three dimensions of pedagogy, organization and technology which, on the whole has 17 components and 95 concepts. These components have been identified in the form of teacher, student, teaching assistant, teaching-learning process, content, evaluation, support services, interaction, education and empowerment system, motivation system, university goals and strategies, knowledge management system, culture, physical resources, software, hardware and infrastructure. Conclusion: In general, the results of this study indicate important points that can provide valuable information for administrators and authorities the University of Tehran in the field of e-learning system to adopt principled policies regarding the evaluation of this system to improve and enhance the quality and effectiveness of e-learning. It is recommended that the university uses the model presented in the present study in order to evaluate the e-learning system of the University of Tehran.
Technology-based learning environments
B. Nazari; J. Poorkarimi
Due to the increasing development of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the community and schools, this study aimed to identify the relationship between the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), and students’ academic achievement in smart and regular schools. ...
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Due to the increasing development of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the community and schools, this study aimed to identify the relationship between the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), and students’ academic achievement in smart and regular schools. The population was primary school students in the fifth grade and the sample included 662 students, which determined through cluster sampling was. The Survey was done through the use of questionnaires. The method for how to collect data for the purpose and descriptive survey that collects data for action. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire made by utilizing ICT validity of its content validity and reliability was assessed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Alpha coefficient was calculated to 0.92, indicating a high reliability of research tool is the tool. The results showed that the relationship between academic achievement (previous year and the previous term) and there is no use of ICT (p = 0.251; r = 0.088; r = 0.048, p = 0.534), as well as the use of ICT in the boys significantly higher than girls is the (p = 0.003; t = -2.98) and the use of ICT in schools was significantly higher than conventional schools is the (p = 0.001; t = 3.68).