Educational Technology - Blended Learning
A. Ghofrani; F. Narenji thani; M. A. Shahhoseini; Kh. Abili; J. Pourkarimi
Background and Objectives: Blended learning approach uses a face-to-face learning environment with the capacities of an electronic environment. This approach has attracted the attention of researchers for more than 15 years due to the significant advantages it brings by compensating for the disadvantages ...
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Background and Objectives: Blended learning approach uses a face-to-face learning environment with the capacities of an electronic environment. This approach has attracted the attention of researchers for more than 15 years due to the significant advantages it brings by compensating for the disadvantages of both face-to-face and e-learning environments. However, today, after the spread of the epidemic of Covid-19 in the world, it has become a necessary choice not only for researchers but also for managers and business owners, including educational systems. Therefore, researchers worldwide are increasingly trying to provide the best ways to benefit from the advantages of face-to-face and e-learning approaches in the form of blended learning models for the educational system, including universities. Therefore, the current research was conducted to explain the dimensions and components of the model of the blended teaching-learning system in the university.Methods: The qualitative research method was grounded theory and of emergent type. The research field included 15 university instructors selected through purposeful sampling based on predetermined criteria. The selection criteria of experts included "member of e-learning association and more than five years of active presence in this field" and "authors of outstanding scientific works and operational experience in e-learning". In order to collect the findings, a semi-structured interview was used and continued until theoretical saturation. Then, the findings were analyzed using the content analysis method in three stages open, axial and selective coding. Finally, the validity of the research findings was evaluated using Lincoln and Guba's four criteria, including credibility, confirmability, transferability, and reliability; its reliability was checked by re-coding and two coders.Findings: The results of the analysis of the findings led to the identification of 219 key phrases, then in the form of 29 principal components including change management, support from senior management, strategic plan, action plan, attracting, developing, retaining, technical resources, financial and physical resources, information and knowledge resources, teaching strategies and scenario writing, interaction, educational package, evaluation of students, required beliefs and attitudes for stakeholders, required skills for stakeholders, required knowledge for stakeholders, common attitudes, shared values, common meanings and concepts, psychological support, process and pedagogical support, technical support , intra-university communication, extra-university communication, evaluation, monitoring, protection of intellectual property, respect for privacy were categorized and finally 11 factors including transformational leadership, planning, human capital management, resource provision, teaching-learning process management, required competencies stakeholders, culture-building regarding new approaches, support system for main and internal stakeholders, internal and external university communication, university assessment and quality assurance system, and ethical considerations were obtained in order to implement a blended approach in the university.Conclusion: The results of this research can be a practical guide for senior managers of universities and higher education institutions in order to implement the blended learning approach in the said institutions, especially first-level universities; in this way, they can keep themselves aligned with the latest changes, especially the new developments in the approaches of the teaching-learning system, and have an effective performance in the direction of educating students with the qualifications and competencies required for the society, and turn the threat of using the electronic environment into an opportunity to transform educational approaches and establish a blended learning system using the online environment.
Electronic learning- virtual
Kh. Abili; F. Narenji Thani; Z.S. Mostafavi
Background and Objective:Evaluating the quality of the teaching-learning system is a process that is done to improve the quality and increase stakeholder’s satisfaction with e-learning programs, and in line with the development of university e-learning courses, attention to the evaluation of the ...
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Background and Objective:Evaluating the quality of the teaching-learning system is a process that is done to improve the quality and increase stakeholder’s satisfaction with e-learning programs, and in line with the development of university e-learning courses, attention to the evaluation of the quality of these courses has become important in several ways. First, the managers and staff of these courses need continuous self-evaluation to increase the quality of the courses. Second, the identification of quality e-learning courses at the national and international levels will help to develop the horizons of activities in this field. Finally, the development of e-learning will allow more attention to customer orientation in higher education and education customers can choose the best option by identifying quality university courses. The aim of current study is the evaluation of learning-teaching system from the students’ viewpoint at the Faculty of Psychology and Education in the University of Tehran. Also, the research seeks to find the main related factors and variables with the evaluation of e-learning system. Methods: The current research is applied and descriptive-correlational and the research population included all students who were studying in the academic year 1394-95. The sample included 175 students selected by simple random sampling. In this study, after reviewing the literature about measuring quality at different context, 28 main indicators affecting quality of online teaching-learning systems are identified and after the survey of experts, the final model is designed. This model consists of training, technology, communication, evaluation, management, resource support, ethical and institutional dimensions based on Badhal Khan's model. Then, the research data were analyzed based on the questionnaires and research questions Findings: The results of the structural analysis indicated that the model is fit. Also the results revealed that the management actor had the most and the ethical factor has the least connection to the quality of teaching-learning system from the perspective of the students Conclusion: In general, the results of this study showed that in terms of desirability, students' attitudes about assessment factors in e-learning courses are at a relatively desirable level, which indicates some strengths and weaknesses of the e-learning system in the country that can provide valuable information. This provides for managers and officials of the country's higher education system to adopt principled policies and use appropriate strategies and strategies to improve and enhance the quality of dimensions, and by allocating resources and reviewing the development of appropriate standards and mechanisms for the system have proper planning and e-learning.