Electronic learning- virtual
M. Rajabi; Z. Derikvandi; H. Rezaeean
The present study aims to investigate the effect of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) courses on the creativity of students at Isfahan’s Vocational Education Center. The research method is a quasi-experimental type. The population of the research involves all the technical vocational ...
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The present study aims to investigate the effect of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) courses on the creativity of students at Isfahan’s Vocational Education Center. The research method is a quasi-experimental type. The population of the research involves all the technical vocational students of Isfahan’s ICT Center. The subjects were selected using availability sampling and include 110 students comprising 57 students in the experimental group and 53 students in the control group. The means used for collecting data was Ravens Progressive Matrices Test accounting for homogeneity among the subjects and Dr Abedi’s creativity test involving sub-tests including Fluency, Elaboration, Originality and Flexibility. The latter test was used to compare the creativity of experimental and control groups pre-testing and post testing. The analysis of the findings was carried out using Analysis of covariance at the significance level of P < %05. The results of the study indicated that while there was no significant difference between Fluency and Elaboration creativity tests, there was a significant distinction between Originality and Flexibility creativity tests. In addition, the total result of students’ creativity tests proved to be significant. Thus, it can be concluded that the educational courses of information and communication technology (ICT) have had a positive effect on the creativity of students of Isfahan’s ICT Technical Vocational Center.