Paper Template (word)

Paper Template (pdf)

All authors are requested to note the following important point prior to submitting their manuscript:


Technology of Education Journal (TEJ) is published by Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University (SRTTU). The journal publishes one English issue each year. Following the aims and scopes of TEJ, the English articles should be in the domain of educational technology and how the integration of technology into education can affect teaching and learning processes. We do not accept review articles for English issues. All articles would undergo strict double peer review after their submission. All manuscripts should be sent through the submission system ( The authors are expected to monitor their submitted manuscripts just through the online system.

General rules

Here, you may find general points on how to write the article. If the submitted manuscript does not follow the author’s guide, it would be rejected at once. Also, the manuscript should be prepared in the template of the journal. Therefore, please read the following guideline very carefully. You may use this guide as a template for preparing your manuscript.

  1. Complete the following forms and upload them into the system while you submit the manuscript: Authorship Form, Conflict of Interest Form, Cover Letter, Author Query Form, and Copyright Transfer Agreement (all available on the website).
  2. We have zero tolerance for plagiarism. Please check the manuscript with iThenticate. The allowed similarity rate is 20%. Submit the result of the iThenticate with the manuscript.
  3. The article should be the result of the academic endeavor of the author(s) and has not been published earlier in any local or international journals. Also, the manuscript should not be submitted to another journal at the time of being submitted to TEJ. These should be approved officially by the corresponding author at the time of uploading the manuscript into the system. TEJ reserves the right to withdraw the article at any stage if otherwise is proven.
  4. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the published content, data, tables, figures, appendices, references, etc.
  5. TEJ reserves the right to reject or accept the submitted manuscript and is free to edit its content.
  6. Any change in the number of authors' names and/or insertion or deletion of the author's name will not be possible after the acceptance of the manuscript.
  7. All manuscripts should be submitted with good English and clear phrasing. Both American and British English are fine as long as consistency is observed.
  8. The manuscript length is 7000-10000 words including tables, figures, and references.
  9. The following research reports are not processed for the English issue: Pure method studies (e.g., instrument development and validation), Literature reviews and meta-analyses, and Descriptive reports (e.g., software programs/applications design/development; curriculum design; materials development; etc.) without considering learning or instructional processes.
  10. Qualitative, quantitate, and mixed methods studies are welcome if the robust procedures of each method are taken into account.

Key points

Heading and subheadings

The submitted manuscript should have 11 main headings (and some sub-headings if needed) as follows:

  1. Abstracts (English and Persian)
  2. Introduction
  3. Review of the Related Literature
  4. Method
    • Participants
    • Instruments
    • Procedure
    • Design
  5. Results and Findings
  6. Discussion
  7. Conclusions
    • Implications and Applications
    • Limitations
    • Suggestions for Further Research
  8. Authors’ Contribution
  9. Acknowledgements
  10. Conflict of Interest
  11. References

The manuscript layout

The line spacing is single with Auto after spacing. The authors are asked to prepare their manuscript with Microsoft Word 2007 and above and submit both Word and PDF files of the manuscript to the online system ( The first draft is prepared in single columns and is justified.

The fonts

Persian fonts

The Persian fonts that should be used in preparing the Persian title page and abstract are depicted in Table 1.


Table 1: Persian fonts

English fonts

The English fonts that should be used in preparing the English manuscript and abstract are depicted in Table 2.

Table 2: English fonts


As tables are to be designed for a 2-column page layout, the width of the tables should be either 8 or 16 centimeters. Insert the tables in the text in their appropriate place. Refer to the tables in the content, for example: As it is shown in Table 1, the acceptable font for the Persian title is B Nazanin 14.  

Number the tables consecutively. The title of the tables should be brief and to the point. The title appears at the top of the table.


Preferably the figures should be colorful. The quality of the figures should be good and numbers or texts should be easily read. The figures should be inserted into the text in their appropriate place. Number the figures consecutively. The caption of the figures should be brief and to the point. The caption appears at the bottom of the figure.


Figure 1: Analysis of OUTs from sludge sampled  

Math Relations  

Write them with Math Type and number them consecutively in the manuscript.  


                                                                                                                                                 A=πr2                            (1)

 The structure of the manuscript

Follow this guide to organize the materials in the identified sections.

The abstracts

The manuscript should have two abstracts (English and Persian). Follow the guidelines for preparing the abstracts on pages 1-2 of this guide.


The Introduction should include a background to prepare the readers for the addressed questions of the study. The Introduction should clearly state the problem and the significance of the study as well as its purpose.  Research questions or hypotheses should come at the end of the Introduction.

Review of the Related Literature

Mention recent studies related to the topic of the manuscript. While reviewing the works, do not mention the title of the published studies. You may explain the goal of the study, its context, variables, results, and findings. At the end of this section, write a paragraph to convince what gap(s) in the literature your study would fill.


This part can have some subheadings including participants, instruments, procedure, and the design of the study. For each part provide detailed but to the point information. If possible summarize the important information in tables and figures.

Results and findings

The results of the data analysis done to answer the research questions should be inserted here.  Tables and figures should be provided. Interpretations of the results are expected to be given here as well.


List the reasons for the results of the study. Compare and contrast the findings of this research with the literature.


First, describe the conclusion(s) that can be drawn from your work very briefly and to the point. Do not discuss the findings here. Also, write about the limitations the researcher(s) encountered while they were carrying out the study. Practical implications and applications of the study and some suggestions for further research are also required here.

Authors’ Contribution  

This is for those manuscripts that have more than one author. State clearly the role of each author in performing this study.


Express your gratitude to those who helped you in performing the study one way or another in this part. If the manuscript is written based on a thesis or a dissertation, refer to the details (supervisor, advisor, place, time, etc.) here. 

Conflicts of Interest

Please mention any financial, professional, or intellectual conflicts of interest here. If there is no conflict of interest write: The authors have no conflicts of interest.


TEJ uses Vancouver Citations Style. This means that the references should be cited in the text using numbers in brackets, like this [1]. The references are numbered in the order of their appearance in the text. All the references mentioned in the text should be listed here. Also, all references listed here should be referred to in the manuscript.

All references should be in English. Therefore, you need to translate the Persian references into English. Convert Persian dates into the Gregorian calendar (e.g., convert 1402 to 2023). Insert the word ‘Persian’ at the end of the translated references.

All references should have DOI information and valid links. The article should have at least 30 references. Use the following guide to write the reference list.