Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Educational Sciences, Markaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran. Iran

2 Department of Educational Sciences, Ayatollah Khamenei Campus, Gorgan. Iran


Background and Objective:The 21st century is the century of societies moving towards knowledge-based, knowledge sharing and transformation in the axes and basic concepts of life, including education in terms of quantity, quality and speed of presentation. The tendency of the world in recent decades to use technology in education due to the lack of traditional education to meet the needs of the education system in the curriculum and educational content, has attracted the attention of many thinkers to create methods and innovations in this field. Today, due to the increasing development of educational methods and dramatic advances in the field of information and communication technology, e-learning is one of the best strategies for achieving social justice in the field of higher education with the slogan "Quality higher education for all." E-learning has been developed in the world for a decade and a short time in Iran. The increasing demand for science, the limitations of traditional educational systems, and the evolution of methods of learning have led the world to methods in which time and place have lost their intrinsic value; Therefore, e-learning can be considered the most important factor in the scientific and cultural leap in the contemporary world. Considering the increasing popularity of using content production standards like SCORM in electronic education, the objective of this survey is evaluation of electronic education content courses in the universities under SCORM standard, from the viewpoint of students and professors.
Methods: This study uses a descriptive applied survey-type methodology. Statistical population of the survey is professors and students of distance learning courses in the Shahid Beheshti University (case study) consisting of 230 students and professors. They were selected purposefully on the basis of Morgan and Krejcie table. Data collection tools were researcher-made questionnaires of students and professors. The alpha validity ratio for the students’ questionnaire was measured as0.77and for the professors’ questionnaire as 0.90. In order to analyze and evaluate data, descriptive statistics (mean value, standard deviation) and deductive statistics (one-sample t-test) were used.
Findings: The survey findings showed there is a significant relationship between the mean value of accessibility, educational design, content organization, feedback and super-data in the electronic educational content courses in Shahid Beheshti University from the viewpoints of students and professors according to SCORM standards. It also showed that in their viewpoint, the mean value of SCORM standard factors in the electronic educational content courses of Shahid Beheshti University, according to this standard, is in an appropriate level.
Conclusion: The present study, like any other research, has limitations such as using only one research tool, questionnaire and not using other tools, university and field of study limitations, difficulty in identifying experts in this field and identifying content production companies and virtual universities under SCORM standard. At the time of the research, the limited similar external background made it difficult for the researcher. Therefore, it is suggested that the present study be implemented in other universities with e-learning and in other fields of study to increase the power of generalizations; Based on the findings of the research, it is suggested that professors need to be taught how to standardize electronic content and to reduce costs, electronic content production in the university with the cooperation of professors and even students, and also to arrange the impact of e-learning standards SCORM should be further researched to provide accurate information on ways to increase the quality of education and welfare of universities with e-learning under the SCORM standard.


Main Subjects

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