Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Information Technology Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Information Technology Management, Faculty of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objective:Rail transport is one of the most important infrastructures for the development of the country due to its special advantages and adaptation to the environment. Article 24 and 25 of the economic affairs of the general policies of the Sixth Development Plan emphasizes the priority of the rail transport industry. In articles paragraphs 34 and 38 of the ICT affairs of this plan the development of communicative and intelligent systems is also referred to. The role of education in the implementation of these programs is very important, and the study, design of the model and the implementation of intelligent learning systems accelerate the development of learning in rail transport. Achieving organizational missions depends on the ability of employees to perform the assigned tasks and adapt to a changing environment. Implementing training and improving human resources allows people to effectively continue their activities and increase their efficiency in accordance with organizational and environmental changes. An Interactive Mobile Learning System (IMLS) can be designed as a tool for implementing the theory of Heutagogy. This approach is considered as a chain of andragogy and has a process look. Considering the importance of improving safety in the operation of railway, there are many facilities in the areas of infrastructure, fleet and operation of this task. The problem that the Railway Company has faced is the weakness in the safe operation of these equipment and the maintenance caused by the lack of effective training that can be identified as one of the major contributing factors to the disaster.
Methods: In this research, the size of the population was 3000 drivers of the Islamic Republic of Iran Railways; 280 were selected as the sample based on clustering sampling. By studying the models and learning approaches through the use of statistical tools, an intelligent model for moving from training to learning, participatory, ubiquitous and informed, and appropriate to the railway and the existing infrastructure was validated and implemented by Smart PLS software. The impact of this system on safety and the reduction of the actual workplace environmental hazards was studied.
Findings: The results of the study indicated that the establishment of an interactive mobile learning system impacts the safety by influencing the drivers’ accountability, accessibility and performance.
Conclusion: The intelligent interactive learning system as a potential tool for staff training and empowerment is examined. The role of education in the implementation of these programs is vital and can speed up the study and design of the model and the implementation of this system to develop the learning of the development of the country’s railing system.


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