Document Type : Original Research Paper


Educational Planning, Faculty of Humanities, Payame Noor University,Tehran,Iran


This study by the title of the effectiveness of business stressful factors on staff performance has been carried out to determine those factors that affect the administrative and instructional productivity of the personnel in the university. The purpose of this paper is not only to find the business stressful factors that are divided into individual, organizational and circumferential category but also to discover the special ways that could help us to prevent their negative impact on the staff performance in order to enhance their productivity. The descriptive method has been used in this research which is sub division of field survey. Ninety-five person of the statistical population are administrative staff and eighty-five of them are instructional one. The instrument used to collect data includes one questionnaire to measure stressful factors and two other questionnaires to evaluate staff performance. The randomly stratified method of sampling has been applied to this study which consist seventy-six person from the administrative department and seventy-one from the instructional one. The spearman correlation co-efficient method has been used to analyze statistical data and find out the relation between each stressful factor and the staff performance. According to the analytical data it is distinguished that there is reverse relation between the factors and the staff performance which confirmed the hypothesis of the research. In other words, the ascending procedure of each stressful factor will cause the descending procedure of the staff performance reversely


Main Subjects

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