Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Architecture, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran


Background and Objectives:Using the architectural environment as an educational tool requires identifying environmental criteria that affect the quality of users' learning. By recognizing the criteria affecting the arrangement and order of space, we can explain the principles for better design of the learning environment and minimize the amount of learning disruption. On the other hand, schools, as the most important spaces for training human resources, play an important role in increasing the learning of people in society. Therefore, designing appropriate environments for the comprehensive development of students is a necessity. School is a social center, and its purpose is to learning lessons and learning social behavior. Behaviors are related to the physical environment in which human beings are located, so the formation of behaviors are influential in the qualities of educational spaces. Researchers have studied the role of the factors such as light, ventilation, heating and cooling, lighting, and etc. on learning process by studying the behavioral patterns of children in educational spaces. The most important element of a classroom with high productivity is its suitable furniture. In this study, the function and performance of furniture on student learning were studied. The purpose of this research is to design optimized educational environments in order to improve the quality of learning.
Methods: The research method is correlational and the sources of environmental psychology and One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used. The case study is three classrooms in a school with the same lighting and air condition. Study on learning behavior was investigated by changing the furniture of the educational space using Excel software and SPSS.
Findings: The results indicated positive effects of the spatial layout in the educational spaces, and the classroom can be a teacher for learning motivation.
Conclusion: This research has been compiled on one of the important factors affecting the quality of school students' learning. As mentioned earlier, different factors play a role in the quality of learning or the combination of factors gives better results; among these factors, we can mention the relationship between educational space and green space, playing music, predicting freedom of movement and movement in space, the ability to sit and rest, eating and drinking, etc. According to the analysis of the findings, the research hypothesis was proven. And flexibility in the body of the learning environment will arouse the children's curiosity and lead to their creativity. In the educational environment, the arrangement of students' desks and chairs causes their active and two-way communication with the environment. Finally, furniture can be considered as one of the effective factors in learning and stimulating curiosity. The quality of the physical environment is directly related to the amount of learning, and the design of the interior space in the educational environment can increase students' learning and their progress.


Main Subjects

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