Document Type : Review Paper


Department of Architecture, Architecture and Urban Design Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives:Architecture training is to enable students to create three-dimensional spaces for human activities or to provide a better environment for human societies. Today, a wide range of different activities in the fields of skills, industry, creativity, knowledge, wisdom, are under the general title of "architectural education" in the schools of architecture. Typically, the curriculum in contemporary architecture schools is a set of basic courses that develop design knowledge, technology courses that develop the scientific formation of architecture; art courses to express architecture and finally design courses, which is a combination of the previous three and is the defining part of design education. The necessity of mathematics education and application of its concepts in architectural design is among major concerns of educational programs in universities and contemporary educational institutions. In architectural education in Iran, mathematics is delivered through traditional methods and independent from design practical courses. Moreover, mathematics is considered as a secondary course or sometimes an intricate problem in education. Professors of architecture always point to difficulties of students in understanding mathematical concepts and their application in structural design process.
Methods and Materials: Therefore, the present study tries to compare the degree of attention to mathematics in architectural curricula in selected universities abroad and in Iran in order to provide a comprehensive knowledge regarding the place of mathematics in the curricula of these countries and prepare the ground for the development of an appropriate educational program incorporating mathematics in architectural education curriculum in our country.
Findings: Comparative analysis of mathematics role in curricula of different universities and its targets via applied analytical-descriptive research method suggests that average mathematical courses provided in US architectural schools during the training course is 3%, in Asian countries 2.2% and in Iran 1.7%. The results emphasize the coordination of mathematical teaching methods with modern developments in design process and show that it entails mathematical knowledge delivered in the format of combined independent courses as preliminary, applied, technological and design.
Conclusion: Mathematics courses and their teaching in architecture must be in line with new developments in the design process. This issue requires the definition of new courses in the field of mathematical application in architecture, mathematical history in architecture, as well as combined courses to transfer mathematical knowledge to design workshops. The subject of mathematics courses as independent preparation and basic courses for engineering students with the content of calculus, mathematics or their combination should be revised. This will give a new definition to the nature of the relationship between architecture and mathematics, as the role of mathematics in design was a priority in the Middle Ages. Considering the design workshop as the core of the architecture education program in the first and second academic year with an average of 40-36 credits per year, it is necessary to apply and new meaning of mathematics in introductory design workshops in two analytical-logical and structural concepts. Pay attention.


Main Subjects

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[23] http://  /  arch  /  programs  / ugcurriculum.cfm