Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan. Iran

2 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Tehran University, Karaj. Iran


Background and Objectives:E-learning is the newest form of distance learning and is called an approach to curriculum planning in which, in addition to using inclusive methods, computer tools and the Internet are used. The first generation of e-learning, or web-based learning programs, focused on providing physical classes based on educational content and the Internet. Today, many universities and educational institutions around the world have stepped in to design and offer e-learning programs and courses to meet the growing demand for education. One of the desirable features that can play an important role in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of this type of training is the personalization of the learning environment according to the characteristics of learners. This adaptation is in order for the user to be able to benefit from the learning content and other services of the system according to their goals, knowledge and preferences, and the system, instead of treating everyone equally, treats everyone according to its own characteristics. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effective factors of e-learning adoption in agricultural higher education universities of Iran and to determine the most effective structures on the acceptance of this technology by the faculty members and graduate students. This research was performed to measure the acceptance using survey and the multivariate statistical technique of path analyses.
Method and Materials: Statistical population of this research consisted of faculty members and postgraduate students in Iran’s higher agricultural education centers. Total Cronbach Alpha of the questionnaire, for the reliability of the 68 items of the questionnaire, was 88.5 % that is an acceptable figure which demonstrates the high reliability of the questionnaire. In total, 646 questionnaires were collected from 4 universities (Tehran University, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hormozgan University and Torbat Heydariyeh University). After multivariate statistical analysis ‘Path analysis’ and through calculating Beta Coefficients for different routes, the importance of each path was determined.
Findings: The results showed that if members of the faculty and postgraduate students of higher education of agriculture in Iran get this reflection that the use of e-learning to carry out their educational activities is useful and reliable at higher agricultural education centers, even those people are not consistent with their subjective norms and have risks, they will continue to use e-learning. From the perspective of the respondents, e-learning is a safe and appropriate education. Therefore, possible risks in such training in virtual environments does not affect their attitude towards this type of training.
Conclusion: Therefore, it can be said that if faculty members and graduate students of agricultural higher education in Iran come to the mentality that using e-learning to carry out their educational activities in agricultural higher education centers is "beneficial" as well as "reliable”, even if it is not compatible with their "mental norm" and has a "perceived risk", they will still use e-learning.


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Main Subjects

 [4] Zhou Y,  Zhang JP. A quantitative approach to eMM. In TheProceedings of ICWL (pp. 69-72). Shanghai; 2008.
 [19] Asemi A. Metadata in e-learning environment, Journal of Electronic Research Institute for Scientific Information and Documents of Iran. 2013; 4(5): 16-24. Persian.
 [20] MehdiPooataie K.  [Translation of E-learning tools and technologies].  Horton W, Horton K. (Authors). Teahran: Dibagaran Publications; 2010. Persian.
 [21] Momenirad A. An investigation the quality of information technology field in e-learning courses at K. N. Toosi University of Technology according with e-learning standards. (master'sthesis).  Educational Science & Psychology Faculty, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran; 2009. Persian.
 [22] Talaei Mashouf AA. An investigation the adaptation of themathematic e-learning program at K. N. Toosi University ofTechnology according to the behavioral, cognitive and structuralprinciples. (master's thesis). Educational Science & PsychologyFaculty, Allameh Tabatabat University, Tehran, Iran; 2011. Persian
 [23] Ghaedi B. The evaluation of virtual learning curriculum from the Viewpoints on computer engineering learners and professors, (master’s thesis), Tarbiat Moallem University, Tehran, Iran; 2010. Persian.
 [24] Karimzadegan Moghadam D, Khodaparast M, Vahdat D. An evaluation of the factors that effect on the learner satisfaction in elearning program. Quarterly Journal of Iranian Research Institute for Information Science & Technology. 2011; 27(2): 461-478. Persian.
 [25] Rezaie M. The Common Theories On Accepting Information and Communication Technology. Quarterly Journal of Communication Research. 2010; 4(60): 63-93.
 [26] Rahmani B. The analytical study on the content of Vocational Training Courses. Tehran:  School of Hadith Sciences of Shahre Rey; 2011
 [27] Sheykhshoaee F. Investigating the factors affecting the Acceptance of Information Technology by librarians in the Technical Schools of Tehran State Universities: Applicability: Technology Acceptance Model, (master’s thesis). Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran; 2006. Persian
 [32] Zha X, Li J, Yan Y. Understanding the moderating effect of tie on the transfer of ease of use and usefulness from print resources to electronic resources. Journal of Library & Information Science. 2013; 6(7): 223-231.
 [35] Holden R J, Karsh BT. The technology acceptance model: Its past and its future in health care. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2010; 43(1): 159-172.
 [38] Sarmad Z, Bazargan A, Hezaji E. Research methods in behavioral sciences. Tehran: Agah Publications; 2006.  Persian.