Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Central Library and Documentation Center, Organization for Educational Research and Planning, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Information and Knowledge, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


Background and Objectives:Technology is changing rapidly, and as new technologies are created, existing technologies are being improved and developed. The technologies of the 21st century have brought possibilities to mankind, and the advances that have taken place surround human life today from all sides. Among these changes are the impact of technological advances in education and the resulting changes in the teaching-learning process. In today's world, educational systems are looking for new approaches to help them rebuild in the face of global changes. For this reconstruction, they need a rich curriculum, flexible education, effective educational leadership, a suitable learning environment and educational content, and capable and professional teachers. Readiness to use technology and knowledge of how technology supports students' learning should be one of the basic skills of teachers. Teachers' ability in the field of technology literacy enables them to use new technologies in the teaching-learning process, especially information and communication technology, thereby improving the quality of their education and the level of information literacy of students and access to a wide range of information learning resources The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers’ technology literacy in the national curriculum on Education and Training in Work and Technology.
Method and Materials: This research is conducted as a descriptive study using content analysis technique. The population was three main education documents including National Comprehensive Scientific Map; The Fundamental Transformation of Education Document; and The National Curriculum Document. Data collection instruments were checklists. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to determine the frequencies and test the results of univariate t-test and Kruskal-Wallis test. Gutmann factor was used to test the reliability.
Findings: The results show agreement between .48 to .95 coefficients for the validity checklists using content validity. The findings of the study show that the level of attention to teacher technology literacy in National Curriculum in the Domain of Teaching and Education Work and Technology was higher than average; and to a largely extent it is appropriately cared for. There is no significant difference between technology literacy standards in terms of compliance with the competencies intended for teachers.
Conclusion: The results show that there is no significant difference between teachers' technology literacy standards and their compliance with the required competencies. Optimal implementation of the national curriculum in the relevant field requires the special assistance and attention of teachers and the use of appropriate professional competencies provided in this program; so its provisions should be taken seriously into account in human resource engineering and in training programs, recruitment and empowerment and retraining teachers before and during service Due to the comprehensive national curriculum in the field of training and learning work and technology, in the field of technology literacy, the content should be included in the preparation and compilation of all educational content, including textbooks, curriculum guide and production of educational packages, etc.


Main Subjects

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