Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Educational Science, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University . Tehran. Iran

2 Department of Educational Science, Alzahra university. Tehran. Iran

3 Department of Educational Science, Emam sadeq university. Tehran. Iran


Background and Objectives:Education has been considered as the most basic factor of sustainable development in our country. Increasing acceptance of education at all levels increases the need to pay attention to superior quality, effective management and adaptation of education to the needs of society and the characteristics of the twenty-first century. Development of technical and vocational education needs special attention due to the limitations of universities and ways to achieve higher education and the need for youth employment, and especially the unemployment of university graduates. In addition, at this time, special attention should be paid to technical and vocational training as the main weapon of global competition. In addition to the secondary and associate level, technical and vocational training programs in Iran have been officially upgraded to the level of bachelor degree. Social demand for these trainings, especially at the associate level, has led to areas of development and special attention to these trainings. Given the importance of endogenous development and reliance on domestic forces in various aspects of economic, social and cultural development as a result of sustainable development, training skilled and efficient forces that can accelerate the movement of economic wheels and the country from dependence on skilled forces and foreign expert, technical and vocational training is of particular importance. But technical and vocational training can claim to fulfil this mission when its products are in harmony with the needs of the labour market, both quantitatively and qualitatively. In other words, the technical and professional graduate has been trained in the fields that the labour market needs and is equipped with techniques and skills that can meet the needs of companies and employers. If education development programs are carefully and quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated, they would clarify valuable issues whose results due to the long-term impact of education on society, can help education planners and decision makers and foster help to use the results of this review and evaluation in order to develop better and more complete programs for the development of education. Consequently, the present study compares the supply of technical and vocational graduates with the demand for manpower in this sector and includes examining the external efficiency and employment of graduates and comparing the supply and demand of trained personnel in the technical and vocational associate sector, disciplines and specialized groups.
Methods: In this research, a descriptive survey method has been used. The graduate research questionnaire in collaboration with Colombo College was selected as the basis for this evaluation. The statistical population consisted of colleges and technical and vocational schools under the Ministry of Education at the time. In sampling, 24 fields and 69 centres (using multi-stage cluster sampling) were sampled.
Findings: According to the research results, there is a moderate significant relationship between the job and gender of graduates. Also, 76% of employees have found jobs related to their education and only 22% of employees are self-employed; Cramer’s correlation coefficient has reported very high and effective. The relationship between gender and employment problems has also been reported to be significant. The results also show that in order to achieve the employment of technical and vocational graduates, another 63% of job opportunities are needed for 163 thousand people.
Conclusion: The results show that in order to increase the real effectiveness of technical and vocational education in the country, the curriculum should include changes tailored to the needs and requirements. Some suggested changes according to the results of this research are: More practical units should be included in technical and vocational courses and disciplines. In theoretical discussions in the technical and professional field, more attention should be paid to issues related to entrepreneurship; and the activities and disciplines that are most attractive in the job market should be expanded. The results of the study show that the retraining ability of graduates is at a low level, so more attention should be paid to the basic courses in the curriculum. Planning for disciplines and centres should be based on land management. Centres should be considered as the centre of integration that have the highest rate of graduate attraction. According to the research results, there is a moderate significant relationship between the job and gender of graduates, that is, although there is a significant relationship between these two components, but it is necessary to make efforts to increase this relationship.


Main Subjects

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