Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran


Nowadays, the concern about the future of architecture education has been growing. It seems that the existing models of teaching and practicing architecture may not be appropriate to address the challenges of tomorrow. Not only has there been little consideration of the future of architecture but even less about the inclusion of the futures thinking within the architectural curriculum. While thinking about future is so important, particularly for current students who lives and works the future. This paper presents arguments for the necessity of futures thinking within the architectural curriculum of tomorrow. In this regard, attention to future is investigated from modernism till now to gain the right view to past, today and future problems; specially criticized view to today problem in order to prepare the future. Concerns about today architecture and their solutions have been considered to find out the basis of future architecture education. In fact in this way not only has history of architecture taught but also future of architecture is considered. This article shaped based on a developing research. This kind of research is similar to applied researches. The goal of this research is the planning and codification of the problems about quality of architecture education in the future. So, firstly in this paper the condition and situation of today architecture education has studied and then (secondly) according to developing research results, the conclusion for solving the available problems has extracted. The aim of this research is to determine how available situation would improve or is there any method or model to improve this situation or not. Generally, it can be said that the aim of this article is in the area of improving the situations, methods, equipments and structures of architecture education in future in Iran .In order to data gathering in this article, the researcher used a combined method: analyzing the documents and references and using questionnaire method. In this method the results extracted from comparative literature about each part and quantitative data analyzing via evaluating the questionnaires by descriptive and inferential methods.


Main Subjects

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