Document Type : Original Research Paper


Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


Developing the production centers of knowledge, technology and technical skills is the requirement of economic growth in the third millennium. Entrepreneurship can be considered as one of the important engines of growth and development. At this point, the role of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship in the community is determined which can be more clearly realized through universities and centers of entrepreneurship. In this paper, we tried to find the administrative process of entrepreneurship as well as the relationship between education and the kind of necessary training for entrepreneurship. Three tests including: 1 – Kalmogrof-Asmyronf tests, 2- one sample t-test, 3- Friedman rank test were used in this research in a cross-sectional form to test the hypotheses of the research and to analyze them inferentially. The research conclusion has shown that the evolutionary leadership among the internal factors of the university, the university process and the revival factors of the university and also creating a scientific and dynamic environment among the basic and fundamental changes in the university are the most effective ones in the stability of entrepreneur universities. At the end of the paper, some suggestions have been presented regarding the development of "entrepreneurship education" in order to stabilize entrepreneur universities.


Main Subjects

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