Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 1 Education Department, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan,Iran

2 Pedagogy of Higher Education Department, Institute of Psychology and Education, Kazan Federal University, Russia

3 Department of Pedagogy in Higher Education, Graduated from Kazan Federal University, Russia


Background and Objectives: The world-wide approach to using distance learning technology for education proves that the use of this tool has unique benefits for teaching and learning. However, the use of technology must be carefully monitored. Educational technologies are effective tools, but they do not do extraordinary work on their own. In fact, it is the proper use of them by stakeholders, including professors and students that grant these tools value, efficiency and effectiveness. One of the main features of technology is self-education; but in the course of self-learning, more basic skills must be established and strengthened, including the skills of self-knowledge, self-organization, and self-motivation to study, which ultimately lead to self-development. Appropriate use of educational technologies such as the use of content management systems and their facilities can potentially support the development of various stages of self-development. The use of educational technologies to achieve self-development is associated with significant efforts by teachers and time costs. In addition, professors must have sufficient knowledge, technical skills, talent and experience in this field. These efforts are complemented by a review of goals, content, and the selection of appropriate teaching methods. As a result, if professors are able to select appropriate information sources, analyze and combine different knowledge, it is possible to achieve a different qualitative result. However, there is not always coordination between various elements, and as a result, there are shortcomings in this area. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of self-development of students on their academic achievement through the use of distance learning technology by instructors.
Methods: This study was carried out in a statistics course using the quasi- experimental method (pretest-posttest). The statistical population of the study were 664 students in the field of the social sciences (economics and management) of Iranian and Russian virtual universities in the academic years of 2015-2017. 242 students (112 from Russia and 136 from Iran) were chosen among them based on Morgan's table.
Findings: The findings showed that there was a significant difference between the mean scores of pre-test and post-test of self-development and academic achievement of Iranian and Russian students.
Conclusion: The use of educational technology by faculty members has a significant effect on improving students' academic achievement and self-development. Usefulness of technologies can be more evident by targeted use of them. The results of this research remind us that a new and different look at technology and its applications is effective in creating new developments and experiences in education. In fact, the purpose of using technology in today's era should be to develop individual and self-development skills, in order to achieve the main goal of education, which is to train active learners who are ready for change, and thus they are able to come up with creative and thoughtful solutions to face the problems of life in the present century, as well as increase their academic performance.


Main Subjects

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